The Art of Kitchen Gardening

An evening with Christie J. Higginbottom
Event Status
Registration Closed
A broccoli plant growing outside
Event Date
Donations Accepted.

Planning A Traditional Four-Square Kitchen Garden with Tips from the Past

Gardeners have praised the four-square garden design* for centuries and with good reason. Christie will demonstrate how this design can create an attractive garden that incorporates vegetables, herbs and fruits. The program will cover crop rotation, succession sowing, inter-planting and techniques for crop spacing and support. Christie's demonstration will be accompanied by a powerpoint presentation. The program will begin at 6:30 and end at 8. Attendees are invited to enjoy light refreshments between 6 and 6:30 and to stay for a few minutes following the program, to ask questions, etc.

*"The foursquare garden contained raised beds of six or seven inches high which were supported by hardwood boards. In the center was a two foot wide path with smaller square raised beds on all four sides. In towns those paths were often paved with large flat stones while in the country the paths were commonly dirt. The raised beds allowed the control of planting the seeds which were essential to the eighteenth century farmer." Source:

Online (free) registration is requested but not required.

Email outreach [at] with any questions.